Tmrw is National Day. National Day do mean alot 2 me other than d fact tt it is a public holiday....
I rem last 2 yrs, i went 2 Universiti Utara Malaysia 4 debat perpaduan and durin 1 of d free time, they showed tis movie called Hati Malaya 1957. I cried watchin tt show, bcos it reli touches my heart. D struggles of independence by the heroes of our countries.
However i noe, learnin history can sumtimes b fabricated, 4getting sum ppl tt's important in d process..Mayb not everyone who contributed 2 d country's independence was acknowledged n sum mayb 4gotten by history. Bcos i noe independence is not d effort of one person. But a group of unsung heroes who cared enough 2 make a difference.
I reali thx all these warriors 4 setting us free from imperialism. Whether d ones mentioned alwiz lik Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock, Onn Jaafar, Tun Sambathan or those tt was nv mentioned. Thx u. It is 4 wat u fought, tt i can live in such a beautiful country n b called citizen of Malaysia.
Yes..I admit our country is nt perfect, far from it in fact. many things still need 2 b improved especially wen it comes 2 d security, d life of those livin in poverty, racism, public transportation, political issues n many others. But i noe, slowly but surely, no matter hw small d step is, we surely r movin 4ward.
Im glad 2 b in tis country, where i can make frens wit any1 frm any race n nt find it sumthin mind blowin. Im glad 2 maintain my identity s a Chinese, yet in every way, proud 2 speak english n Malay.
Tis country is free from natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes n all.
We r one of d most developed 3rd World couuntry.
We hav great variety of food. Try askin ppl who go overseas 4 sumtime lik Suguna or Abg Sly or Cheng Cheng. They def can und tis.
Im glad bcos im given a proper chance 2 education here eventhough im not rich. Education is affordable here. Im proud 2 b a UKM public university student, though of cos, it is not without its flaw.
Im 22 tis yr. It means d next election i can vote 2 make my voice heard. Im not passionate politically wit all d back biting, gossips n trivial matters. But i noe it is d responsiblity i mz hav s a citizen 2 b alert on wat is goin on n make d rite vote though it may oni b 1 vote.
I don't want 2 disappoint d leaders of past. Most importantly, i abide by d rule of tis country bcos of the Number 1 principle in Rukunegara : Kepercayaan Kpd Tuhan
Dear Lord, thx U so much 4 givin us tis wonderful country, n all tt is in it. Thx U tt im part of tis nation.I pray 4 d leaders of tis countries tt they will b able 2 rule wisely n use all resources wisely given 2 them from You. I noe You made them leaders 4 a reason n i pray n ask tt U will help me 2 respect d authorities n obey s long s it is in Your will. Protect d nations n may Your blessings continue. Pray also 4 all d uprising leaders in mouldin nw, tt U will guide all of us 2 b proper citizen of Malaysia.