You know, people that you always hang out with.
People that you find when you are in need of advice.
People that you always buy things for and all.
It's what we call our "inner circle" of friends.
They make us feel warm and that we belonged somewhere.
There are certain times in life, when you want to be close to someone,
But that someone just never accept it, probably due to some issues of past or maybe that person is prejudiced for some reasons.
It can be pretty crushing you know.
To be judged for your past and not for who you are.
Guess some stains can never be clean.
But let me tell you this,
Just because someone does not make you their priority list, it does not mean that you have to stop making them your priority.
Keep trying. The Lord was rejected time and time, He endured it all. No servant is greater than the Master.